Inno-Tec B.V.
Inno-Tec is a total supplier of precision sheet metal processing, fine mechanical machining, and surface treatments using coating techniques such as powder coating. And all of this under one roof located in Riethoven. Innovating and combining various techniques have been the strength of Inno-Tec since 1995. The strength of Inno-Tec lies in prototypes, zero-series, and medium sized series of a wide spectrum of metal types. Both for precision sheet metal and fine mechanical machining, Inno-Tec offers all standard and specialistic operations. The most added value is provided by Inno-Tec in the combination of these two together in one product. Customers come from various industries such as semiconductor, medical, food, automotive, and defense industry. Inno-Tec always operates in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard. Inno-Tec excels in consultancy, innovation, development, and has a high level of involvement. From the very beginning, much time and effort are put into optimally producing your products and/or operations. To be short: quality in the right place. It's a matter of taking a very close look at your issues. Our possibilities reach further than you think, and that's where Inno-Tec shows its added value.

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5561 AC