Bufab Flos B.V.
Doing business with Bufab Flos means convenience for you
Bufab Flos B.V. has been a supplier of small technical products and fasteners since 1963. These products are mostly supplied in logistics systems, such as two bin to various OEM and first tier, who want to assemble without worrying about timely delivery of the required products.
Bufab Flos distinguishes itself in the market by:
- a comprehensive parts package,
- our technical know-how,
- conclusive quality assurance,
- customer-oriented logistics.
We stock around 26,000 different products. These products are mainly customer-specific. Products are delivered to customers using our own means of transport and by our own drivers. This is the only way we can be sure of providing the best possible service.

Adres en contactgegevens
Flight Forum (bedrijfsnummer 5672) 3790
5657 DX
5657 DX

Toine van der Sanden