Formatec B.V.
A Nano Dimension Division
Formatec is an expert in the field of powder metallurgical forming techniques for ceramics and metal. Founded 25 years ago as a ceramic injection molding company, it has now grown into a versatile production company for complex technical and aesthetic components in ceramics and metal.
Formatec has state-of-the-art 3D printers, automated injection molding machines, modern processing machines and high-end ovens to produce the most complex parts in an economical way. At Formatec, Additive Manufacturing has become a verb; the technology of sister company Admatec is increasingly used for both prototyping and serial production.
With more than 25 years of expertise in house, there is a continuous focus on developing knowledge, materials and production processes. Formatec maintains intensive collaborations with knowledge institutes and industrial experts for this. Formatec supports its customers with material choices, feasibility studies, product and process development.

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