Ewellix Benelux B.V.

Makers in motion


Ewellix is the leading supplier of linear motion components and solutions around the globe. We design, manufacture and customise linear motion components including linear actuators, linear guides and ball & roller screws, that meet a variety of industrial applications.

Ewellix' linear motion technology is used across dynamic work environments around the world, from factories to fields, construction sites to hospitals. We guide our customers to overcome their challenges with cutting-edge innovation. We find solutions that are reliable, effective and sustainable. From simple push-pull movements to complex motion cycles with high loads and speeds, our linear motion technologies are used every day in over 40 industries; including in mobile machinery, medical, factory automation, automotive manufacturing and general machine building. Our large global sales and distributor network supports our customers wherever they are in the world, and while the ability to offer standardised and customised solutions is our strength, we believe collaboration is the key to building long lasting partnerships with our clients.


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Adres en contactgegevens

Papendorpseweg 83
3528 BJ


Olaf de Bakker

Managing Director