Nijdra Group
Precision is our profession, Service is our passion
Nijdra Group is a full-service family owned company with over 100 employees. We are specialised in precision metalworking, assembling and co-engineering of high precision components and mechatronic (sub) assemblies.
Our organisation has the following specializations:
- CNC turning & CNC milling, highly automated and robotised series production;
- CNC grinding in micron range;
- Co-engineering, (cleanroom) assembly and testing of mechatronic assemblies;
- Protoshop / fast-lane production of small series high complex parts;
- Development & series production of orthopaedic & orthodontic implants and instruments.
Nijdra Group is ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 13485 certified. We are strong in 24/7 automatic production. Through this technology we can produce (small) series in a short amount of time with low costs (= high mix, low volume, high complexity)!
We are also strong, through our longstanding experience in the high-tech industry (since 1947), in supporting our customers with CPR, solutions for new and existing machines and devices. With our experiences of international supply chain management (worldwide sourcing), we can offer our customers the best (price) solutions for their projects.

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