Webbing Solutions B.V.
Software developers for manufacturing industries
Webbing Solutions is a software company that focusses on developing web-based software solutions for manufacturing companies. Almost 20 years ago, we originated from a manufacturing company: here is where our “roots” are. Our solutions are web-based and integrated with our customer’s business software.
Over the years we have already welcomed a number of Brainport Industries member companies as our customers. Of course, our customers are mostly located in the Netherlands, but also in Belgium and Germany. During our start-up years we mostly developed customer-specific solutions. However, many manufacturing companies face the same challenges and problems, so we also started developing more standardised solutions. Webbing Solutions can help you with both kinds of solution development.
To meet their customer’s demands, it’s become more important for manufacturing companies to improve cooperation with suppliers, customers and partners in their supply chain. For this purpose, Webbing Solutions has developed it’s own online platform for B2B integration, “KetenlinK”, which translates to “links in a chain”.
Webbing Solutions actively encourage the Dutch manufacturing industry to explore and take the next steps in automation. We are an official Smart Industry ambassador and we participate in the “Smart Connected Supplier Network” fieldlab (SCSN).
Combining our years of experience, our specific and standard solutions and our own online platform for B2B integration, “KetenlinK”, Webbing Solutions can support any manufacturing company in improving, digitise and automate it’s company’s processes.

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