Affix Engineering B.V.
Affix Engineering is a specialist in programming industrial robots and has a goal to make the use of robots easier and more accessible. With extensive practical experience and in-depth knowledge in the field of robotics and machine vision, Affix Engineering is able give everyone the tools and expertise for robot automation and machine vision.
This is especially of great value for small and medium-sized businesses (MKB), where the specialist knowledge of robots and vision equipment can make a big difference. Because Affix also supports and advises the smaller and less wealthy companies in the implementation of automation solutions, these companies (including integrators and machine builders) can enjoy new and innovative technical solutions without any worries.
We are brand independent and familiar with most brands and systems. Through the development of software packages and various R&D processes, we are used to complex tasks, we can solve problems, improve processes and work with other people's software.
With approximately 8 programmers, Affix is working on various large and small projects for different customers in all imaginable branches, including: Automotive, Food, Technology, Aerospace, Pharmaceuticals, Logistics, Metal, ... . By working together as a team, with each other and with our partners, Affix is from the beginning of a project a real addition.

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