Bluetron B.V.
Practical engineering services to get 100% out of IT/Data infrastructures and product life cycles of electronic systems and modules
At Bluetron, we are daily engaged in improving business continuity, profitability and competitiveness of our customers. We support them with unique solutions and dedication to ensure the availability of their data, data center and/or data network. For the high-tech industry, we complement these with practical engineering services that realize added value with circular competencies at every stage of the product life cycle (PLC) of systems and modules. This includes assembly, repair, refurbishing, remanufacturing, reuse and recycling of high-tech (sub)systems and modules. In this way we prevent unnecessary inflow of new components, extend the useful life of modules and (sub)systems and prevent unnecessary outflow of components. With our "prevent, extend, reuse" approach, we maximize the value of the entire PLC.

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3905 NL