Ertec B.V.
Winning the future together
Strengthening competitiveness by improving efficiency - in a few words, that is the strength of ERTEC in Nuenen. The company's expertise lies mainly in the automation of small-series production. ERTEC mainly supports metal and plastic processing companies that want to produce better, faster and cheaper. Hardware and software from reputable manufacturers are used for this. All aspects of production are covered: the real-time planning of the orders, the flexible production with pallet systems, robotization, handling, tensioning, 5-axis milling and so on. Based on a sample of solutions, ERTEC is able to offer the most efficient combination based on extensive experience. This is always based on the idea that existing means of production can be used with relatively small adjustments and investments with significantly better results.
Ertec BV has maintained an excellent relationship with its partners for more than twenty years: System 3R, Liebherr, Spreitzer and JobDISPO. Together with them, we take on the automation of the production process.