More about Brainport Industries

The leading 1st, 2nd and 3rd line High Tech suppliers in the Netherlands together form the unique High Tech ecosystem Brainport Industries.The mission of Brainport Industries is to connect these suppliers, to further increase the professionalism of the chain and to improve competitiveness.

Why Brainport Industries?

International OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) such as ASML, Philips, Thermo Fisher (formerly FEI), which are engaged in high mix - low volume - high complexity mechanical engineering, are increasingly outsourcing not only the manufacture of components, sub-assemblies and larger non-core sub-modules, but also the development and engineering to strategic suppliers in the High Tech manufacturing industry. Products/systems are becoming more complex and require more knowledge (depth) from a greater diversity of disciplines (breadth). Developing, making and supporting systems is becoming more capital-intensive while at the same time response times ('time to market') are increasing.

These OEMs ask suppliers to take full responsibility for these modules and thus also for their development.In response to this shift, suppliers are constantly pushing back their boundaries: the limits in terms of manufacturability, the limits in terms of responsibilities, but also the national borders in order to open up new, foreign markets.

In addition to developing technical competences and optimising the supply chain, the high-tech suppliers within Brainport Industries combine their activities in order to open up new markets and to arrange contacts with new customers. Focusing on regional and foreign high-tech OEMs in markets such as semicon, analytical equipment, medical technology, printing and the photovoltaic (solar) industry, Brainport Industries provides them with fertile ground and a structure for this cooperation in projects in the areas of technology, market and people. It is an environment where a constant flow of knowledge workers and professionals enables Dutch suppliers to increase their turnover and develop into market leaders.

What is Brainport Industries?

Brainport Industries wants to be THE open supply chain of high-tech suppliers in the world. And it wants to strengthen and grow this chain even more from the Netherlands. All OEMs working with high mix - low volume - high complexity machines and products can benefit from this, and serve their own customers even better with a spin-off to the suppliers in the chain.

The ambition of these suppliers is that they grow and develop, so that: they can continue to develop into the top in their market; existing OEM customers can be competitive in their market; new OEMs outsource work or new OEMs are started; international OEMs in the field of high mix - low volume - high complexity put their problem to suppliers in the Brainport Industries chain; and, as a result, the turnover of the suppliers can grow; there is a constant flow of knowledge workers and professionals to actually realise that turnover.
Brainport Industries is based in the Brainport region around Eindhoven in Southeast Netherlands, the smartest region in the world and one of the global hot spots in High Tech Systems and Materials.

What does Brainport Industries do?

The high-tech suppliers within Brainport Industries achieve their joint ambition by joining forces to:

  • Optimise business processes in chains
  • Virtual and situational integration of business processes in 'opportunity chains' (both in cooperation with the customer and in cooperation with other suppliers)
  • Standardisation of information, interfaces and processes. This to avoid process errors, but also to reduce costs. Also consider product and production data such as 'module-based manufacturing'.
  • Outline a long-term roadmap for all (manufacturing) suppliers
  • Jointly research new production technologies and engineering and organisational competences in the field of mechatronics and high-tech systems engineering
  • Jointly promote Brainport Industries in foreign high-tech areas
  • Attract projects of foreign OEMs for the Brainport Industries chain
  • Jointly cooperate in strengthening the image of working in engineering as well as cooperate in projects to find, enthuse and bind people to work at the Brainport Industries companies

Cooperation hinges on sharing ambitions and common enthusiasm for the activities outlined above. However, the basis for successful cooperation is formed by shared core values. The DNA of Brainport Industries is formed by growth, trust, ambition, openness and entrepreneurship.