EIT Manufacturing virtual matchmaking event from February 23rd to 25th 2021
Our partner EIT Manufacturing is organizing a virtual matchmaking event from February 23rd to 25th 2021. In addition to their members, this event is also open to startups, SMEs and medium-sized companies. The prerequisite for participation is the submission of a pitch via this website: https://eitmanufacturing.eu/activities/entrepreneurs/match-making-event-2021/.
This can be about innovation needs as well as project ideas on a maximum of 3 slides presented (template available on the website). The number of available slots is limited and follows a competitive process. The basis for the selection of the pitches is the suitability to our topics, which you can also find in the attached document. The deadline for submissions is February 15, 12 noon.
The actual Call for Proposal then opens on March 1st and closes at the beginning of May. It is an open call. Participation in the aforementioned Matchmaking event is not a prerequisite for submitting a project. The only requirement is the participation of at least one EIT Manufacturing member in the application.